Nu știu exact unde am auzit maxima asta. Deseori mă gândesc c-ar fi validă, mai ales în campaniile de marketing. Ideile noi bune nu mi se par altceva decât un mix potrivit de elemente utilizate de alți oameni creativi în alt context.
Așa și cu aplicația asta web care circulă de vreo doua zile pe Facebook, viralizând oarecum pereții prietenilor mei și iscând discuții despre creativitate. Nu știu cum se face, însă mi-a adus aminte de testul de personalitate Draw a Pig. vs.
Îmi place să presupun că nu există creativitate în formă pură, ci doar oameni care dețin un bagaj de cunoștințe într-un anumit domeniu îmbinat armonios cu o capacitate de analiză-sinteză a informațiilor peste media generală.
și câteva vorbe despre inovație …
Methods of innovation
Methods of innovation include:[5]
- Problem solution This is the most simple method of progress, where someone has found a problem and as a result, solves it.
- Evolutionary idea Evolutionary ideas derive from somewhere else, taking something that already exists and improving on it.
- Symbiotic idea A symbiotic method of idea creation is when multiple ideas are combined, using different elements of each to make a whole.
- Revolutionary idea A revolutionary idea breaks away from traditional thought and creates a brand new perspective. For example, Marxism (an evolutionary form of Hegelianism), or the writings of Copernicus (a development of classical Greek thought).
- Serendipitous discovery Serendipitous solutions are ideas which have been coincidentally developed without the intention of the inventor. For example, the discovery of penicillin.
- Targeted innovation Creating a targeted innovation deals with a direct path of discovery. This is often accompanied by intensive research in order to have a distinct and almost expected resolution. For example, linear programming.
- Artistic innovation Artistic innovation disregards the necessity for practicality and holds no constraints. This is the purest form of invention.
- Philosophical idea The philosophical idea lives in the mind of the creator and can never be proven. This type of idea however can still have vast residual effects. For example, the idea of eternal recurrence.
- Computer-assisted discovery This uses a computer in order to widen possibilities of research and numeric possibilities.